Join the Lantern Community:

Helping experts, consultants, and marketers reach their next level.

Get free tips, tools, and resources to reach your next level.

You may be just a few strategies and shifts away from more clients, more money, and more freedom in your business.


⛔ Uncover roadblocks

🤔 Find what’s working

🧠 Plan what’s possible

Stop the guesswork and create your action plan.



Join the free community

Collaborate with other business owners and clarity around your biggest goals, challenges and next steps.


Create your revenue roadmap

We’ll share tools and tips on how to focus your plan for swift progress and breaking your barriers - without the burnout and confusion.


Build a thriving business you love.

Implement your plans and unlock more success, money and freedom in your business.

Working with Josh connects you with 15+ years of experience selling, managing, and delivering high-end professional services via remote teams.


Hi, I’m Josh Brammer, your business growth strategist.

I know what it feels like to struggle with business challenges alone. That's why I created Lantern as a community designed to meet you right where you are in your journey.